Commodore's Message
Hi All,
As we fast approach the re-opening of our province, I’m sure I share in all our hopes of being able to broaden our range of boating destinations. It has been a long time coming, but we are almost there.
I would like to thank those members who attended the work weekends in June at Ekins. It is very much appreciated, as it would be impossible to accomplish what is required to keep Ekins in the condition we all enjoy without all of your help.
Shelley and I would like to wish all of you a very safe and enjoyable upcoming summer boating season, and we hope to see you all at Commodore’s Cruise and Sailpast at “Margaritaville” this Labour Day weekend (provided provincial health orders allow).
Be kind, be calm, be safe.
Warm regards,
Mark Smith
Save the Date!
Commodore's Cruise & SailPast
Assuming that BC stays on track with it's re-opening plan, TBYC will host the Commodore’s Cruise and Sailpast at “Margaritaville”, September 3rd, 4th & 5th at Ekins. The Entertainment Committee is working hard to bring this event together, so stay tuned for more details in the days to come.
Friendly Reminders...
This summer is certainly going to be busy at Ekins and we want to remind all our dog owners that your dogs must be under control while on the docks, to ensure that all members can enjoy a safe and pleasant Ekins experience. Please pick up after your pet, and a reminder that dogs are not allowed at the Longhouse while food is being served.
Garbage at Ekins
Garbage is not to be left at Ekins under any circumstances. This includes old prawn or crab traps, ropes, lines, chain, tables, chairs, etc. We want to ensure our docks are well maintained and safe, unencumbered with unwanted items. If you have something you would like to donate, please contact Travis Endersby at to ensure it is needed and if agreed, he will advise where to leave it.
TBYC Burgees
Members are reminded that the TBYC burgee must be flown at all times while at Ekins or one of our other outstations. Please arrive with the TBYC burgee in place and all other club burgees removed or furled. If you need a refresher on Flag and Burgee Etiquette please visit our website or consult your roster. Need a new burgee? Contact Janis Ostling or see her on the docks.
General Club Rules
As we approach what will undoubtedly be a busy summer at Ekins, the Board of Directors would like to remind everyone to be respectful of our Rules and Bylaws so that we can all enjoy our facilities and avoid any conflicts. To that end, General Club Rules were complied to provide members with a quick reference guide to some of the more salient points. Click on the link above and take a few minutes to refresh your memory. These can also be found on our website under Membership.
Membership Update
As you may know, TBYC has recently had a great deal of interest from boaters wishing to join our club. At time of this writing, we currently have 13 on the Wait List. As a result, and to manage expectations, the Board has closed the waitlist as of June 15th, and ended the Entrance Fee discount program, returning Entrance Fees to $4000.00.
However, the intent is not to discourage inquiries, so a Standby List has been created for those folks who want to secure a place in line with a non-refundable deposit of $100.00. As existing members leave, space will become available for those on the Wait List and Standby List. (We currently have an additional 2 on the Standby List.)
This will allow for better management of expectations and create a clear process for recruitment of new members. If you have any questions on this or other Membership issues, please email Janis Ostling or give her a call at 604-861-4188.
AEDs at Ekins
Ekins Point has two Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) located on the docks. They are found in the bird houses above the enclosed shower on the Main dock and at the top of the ramp at the Annex docks. Simply pull on the 'perch' to reveal the box opening.
An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It's a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart's rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.
They are lightweight, battery-operated, portable devices that checks the heart's rhythm and sends a shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm, but will only send the shock if necessary. AED’s have an audio feature that instructs on how to use the AED.
There is also an excellent How To video available on our site, (or click on this link) so please take the time to review. You never know when you might need to use one of them.
For more information on safety equipment at Ekins, please check out our website under Club Currents.
Volunteer Hours and Outstation Logs
We would like to remind you that we now have 2 excellent tools to help members stay up-to-date with us on-line. By accessing our website from home or your device, you will find the following forms;
1. Record your volunteer hours - simply fill out the form and submit. Your hours will be added to your personal information and used for yearly billing purposes. You can also find this form on our website under the heading Ekins Point.
2. Record your outstation usage - again, simply fill out this form every time you visit one of our outstations (other than Ekins). Outstation costs represent roughly 90% of our yearly expenses, and this information is critical in determining the overall value to the club. This form can also be found on the website under Outstations.
The Ekins Sea Folly's 2017
Are you ready for summer???